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Alexander Shchetynsky

String Quartet

Works have different destiny, which can hardly be explained. This String Quartet waited for performance about 10 years after which it was brilliantly premiered by the Kairos Quartett at the Contrasts Festival in Lviv, Ukraine. It was a great pleasure for me to dedicate my piece to such excellent ensemble as Kairos - one of the best ensembles I ever worked with. The mastery of these four virtuosi both in the smallest details and in building the general shape of the composition performed is really fantastic.

Here are some features of this piece:

I am taking notice of the same structure of all these theses: availability of specific feature without foundation or factor that inspires it. Classical shape of the piece without classical forms. Thematic composition without real themes. Serialism but no series, microchromatisism but within traditional scale, shadows of classic masters without their music… Shouldn't all this be interpreted as signs of contemporary fin de siecle, i. e. postmodernism discussed here and there now? If so, this is a postmodernism in the shade ("a l'ombre…") of "high avant-garde". There is pure kind of neither this nor that.

Alexander Shchetynsky

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© 2000 by Alexander Shchetynsky